About SCOT
Part of a European network
During the ESC Congress 2010, the idea of a Europe-wide network for young cardiologists was launched. Since then, more than 30 national groups have been formed, which are connected to each other via the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow Nucleus. SCOT is the official Swiss section of the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow. The SCOT board represents the interests of its members to both the SGK and the ESC and actively participates in discussions about the design of the further education program.
Board members
Michele Vivaldo, Julia Duelli, Elisa Hennings, Mirjam Wild (Präsidentin), Nicolas Schärli. Missing: Boldizsar Kovacs, Elia Rigamonti
Dr. med. Mirjam Wild
President / Continuing Education and Scientific Commission
University Hospital Freiburg / Bad Krozingen
Dr. med. univ. Julia Duelli
Future training
Kantonsspital Graubünden
Dr. med. Elisa Hennings, PhD
University Hospital Basel / Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel (CRIB)
Dr. med. Boldizsár Kovács, MSc
Treasurer and Social Media
University of Michigan
Dr. med. Elia Rigamonti
Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino
Dr. med. Nicolas Schärli
University Hospital Basel
Dr. med. Michele Vivaldo
Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino
Become a SCOT member
"*" indicates required fields
Are you interested in participating in the SCOT Board? Feel free to contact us at any time and ask whether positions are currently to be distributed. In addition, we hold new elections every two years at our General Assembly in June. We welcome applications until one month before the General Assembly (next elections: SGK Annual Congress 2025).